
Since GMS intends to follow students to employment – the selection of the students that “fit” the program is critical.

GMS will utilize an extensive admission procedure that may include three different levels:

  1. Meeting with a potential parent.
  2. Meeting with parent and student.
  3. Application, assessment and interview with parent and student by Executive Director/Principal and other GMS staff.

Admission Policy

Gonzaga Middle School admits students regardless of race, colour, gender, or national origin with all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin in the administration of its education policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, athletic programs and other school administered programs. GMS will take students who are facing academic challenges, however it will not have the necessary supports to accommodate students with profound or severe behavioural problems or special needs. It will accept students who can meet the academic and behavioural requirements of the school.

Gonzaga Middle School is a Jesuit endorsed Middle School and runs its programs from an inclusive Catholic perspective. It accepts students of all faiths and spiritualties who meet the entrance requirements of the school, however, non-Catholic students and their families must agree to support and participate in all school related programs and functions including lessons, services and cultural activities. It should be understood that Catholic faith and Ignatian spirituality primarily, but also Indigenous and other traditions will be integrated into the overall curriculum through prayer and cultural activities, through artwork and displays and where possible in lessons. In addition, through community service and social justice activities GMS will reach out to the community. Gonzaga Middle School intentionally commits to contributing to the work of Reconciliation described by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the sake of its Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and building up the broader community.

General admission and ongoing requirements:

  • Students must be from families who can demonstrate significant financial need.
  • Students and their families must be prepared to commit to a 8.75 hour school day and the full school year including the summer program from grades 6 to 8.
  • Students must show evidence of academic motivation and personal potential.
  • Students must consistently attend and actively participate in the summer leadership program.
  • Students must demonstrate good student citizenship and character.
  • There must be evidence of parental cooperation and support.

Enrolment Agreement

The registration of a student at Gonzaga Middle School is deemed to be an agreement on his/her part, and on the part of his/her parents or guardians, to comply fully with all the policies, rules and regulations of the school. GMS reserves the right to make revisions to its policies, rules and regulations. Parents and students will be given prompt notifications of such changes or additions. Observance of any such change or addition is expected by all as soon as they are made known to the school community.

Financial Fee Requirements

Each family is asked to pay a monthly (11 months) participation fee of $50.00 to contribute to the educational process. The fee will be reviewed annually by the school administration and is due on the 1st of each month. In addition to general operating and capital costs, Gonzaga Middle School covers the cost of school uniforms, enrichment opportunities, extracurricular activities, summer programming, meals and snacks, school supplies and transportation to and from school. The participation fee is meant to provide families with an opportunity to contribute to these additional supports for the education of their child at GMS.

Family Covenant

The “Family Covenant” is a document produced for each family annually. It outlines the partnership between Gonzaga Middle School and participating families, describing expectations and responsibilities for each party: the school and the family.

Student and Family Handbook

The handbook serves to highlight Gonzaga Middle School's policies, practices, and procedures for the families' personal benefit and cannot be construed as a legal document of any kind. Any grievance procedure contained within this handbook is strictly intended to provide all students and their families an opportunity to resolve grievances that may arise. Such procedures are not intended to represent the precise formula to be followed in every dispute.

Frequently Asked Questions